Why the Name "Cool Combat Ministries" ???
​The Bible says, "For we do not battle against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age."
- Ephesians 6:12
Therefore, "we" may have battles to fight ... However,  the "Cool Thing" is that "The War"
has already been won, and ​"Our Victory" is in Jesus Christ Our King !

Announcing My New Book...
"God Authentic"

Discover the answers for many of the "Mysteries" found within the Bible as related to "Salvation" and "The Book of Revelation." - "Learn the "Truth"
that we have not been taught ...

Click Here to Learn More !

Luther Mark :
My name is "Luther Mark" Tysinger. - I am a US Army Veteran, an Author, a Bible Study Teacher and I have been self employed for over 30 years. I have also been married since 1992 as well. I have one daughter, four grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. The Lord has truly blessed me and now, I want to share the blessings and the lessons that I have learned along "the way." I want to help others "Learn the Truth we have not been taught"and to help build "The Kingdom of God!"

Be Sure to Check Out My YouTube Channel :   www.TheSpiritofProphecy.com

T-Shirts :

Show others what "You Believe!"
T-Shirt Evangelism is a "Great Way"
to get the "Word" out. - Check out our New T-Shirt Designs based on Bible Verses - Priced at only $22. with Tax and Shipping included.

Click Here to Learn More!

Copyright 2022 © Cool Combat Ministries - All rights reserved.

Videos :

I have spent over 10 years deeply studying the Book of Revelation. Now,
​it is time to share all the things that I have learned through these Bible Study Videos ... Click Here to Learn More!